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Walnut Springs Farm Has New Piglets!

Piglets have arrived! Last year, we got pigs for the first time. Eldest Farm girl has wanted pigs since she was little and saw the movie, "Charlotte's web." In 2020, she finally got her wish (it was many years in coming). We purchased the piglets and raised them until they were very large. Now it is time to go it again!

A couple interesting things about our venture into raising pigs:

  • We kept them in an electric fence, which worked wonderfully! It was easy to pick up and move as well.

  • We fed them twice a day on completely clean, Non-GMO feed mixed with a little bit of water to make slop.

  • They were very friendly creatures! They only got dangerous when they grew to be almost 500 pounds and crowded you to get food. They meant no harm, but you had to be careful to not get knocked over.

Over all, the whole family thoroughly enjoyed raising pigs. It was new and different and, well, an adventure! We look forward to doing it again. Stay tuned or more updates, including what the kids decide to name them!



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