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Problem Solving on the Farm

A few days ago, it was time to move the pig pen. We use 200 feet of electric fencing for the pigs. The fencing is easy to pick up, move, and set back up again. The last time we raised pigs, moving them was very easy. We pulled up a few stakes, opened the fence, and used a bucket of feed to entice them into the new area. The pigs ate happily and the farm kids helped quickly to pick up the fence, move it, and reposition it around the pigs in their new area.

This time, we were not quite able to do that. The little pigs were new to the farm and were not yet accustomed to come to a feed bucket when called. It was not going to be an easy job to get them to move from one pasture to another and into the electric fence. Therefore, it was problem solving time. The solution? We took a metal fence panel and zip tied both ends together, which formed a narrow circle shape. The pigs were then put inside. Farm Dad, myself, and Farm Son then picked up on the fencing just enough to move it along the ground, the pigs walking along inside.

It took a few minutes, and some may label our rigged up solution as being "redneck," but it served its purpose! The piglets were walked in a small contained area, that kept them from running off in different directions, to their new pen. My, did they love the tall fresh grass too!

There are many, many times on the farm when a situation requires a quick and creative solution. We have raised the kids in this environment, and often times, allow them to come up with the solution themselves. Their solution may not always work, and it may not always look good, but it teaches them how to problem solve. Trial and error. Solving a problem. It is a skill that is required every day in some form or fashion. You don't have to live on a farm, to problem solve. It is an occurrence that happens often in life. Our hope for our kids is that whenever they are faced with a problem, big or small, like moving the pigs, or working through a difficulty at work, they would be able to come up with a working solution.

Also, just like when we moved the pigs, problem solving isn't always accomplished alone. The whole family pitched in to get the pigs transferred into their new area. Problem solving often involves several people coming together and working their hardest to come up with a creative answer that will work.



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