Bisky Whiskies
My mom used to make these and it has been a tradition in this farm family since. . . well. . . before we were a farm family. Eric named them "Bisky Whiskies" and we used to have these every Saturday morning because he loved them so much. He has since grown tired of them so we have them less frequently, but they are a special treat whenever we do make them! If you are craving a sweet, gooey treat for breakfast, Bisky Whiskies are a delicious option!
What you need:
Brown Sugar
Maraschino Cherries
Nuts (optional)
3 Cans of Biscuits (yes, store bought)
I know, canned biscuits are less than ideal, but they're great if you are in a hurry and I haven['t had as much success using my own biscuit dough for this recipe. Anyone who has, please let me know your trick.
Preheat Oven to 375.
I use a 9x13 pan, but you can do these in smaller pans and adjust the ingredients to your liking.
Put about twelve pats of butter in the bottom of the pan.
Warning: The butter and brown sugar make a really yummy tasting "goo" which the kids like to scrape off of the tray and eat. The more butter you put, the more "goo"! Feel free to adjust butter amounts to your liking.
Cover the bottom of the pan with brown sugar.
Again, the more butter and brown sugar, the more "goo," so have fun with the sugar as well!
Sprinkle cinnamon over the brown sugar.
Top with nuts, if you like (pecans are my choice), and the cherries. We put lots of cherries on there!
Add the biscuits. They should be touching and pretty much covering the other ingredients.
Bake for about 15-20 minutes. Check the dough in the middle for doneness.
Remove from oven and flip out of pan onto a large tray.
Enjoy! And don't forget to eat the "gooeys"!