How to Make Pasta...(AKA Spaghetti Snakes)
How to Make Pasta...(AKA Spaghetti Snakes)
I was so excited about making pasta homemade! I had read a few articles on it and decided that it had to be easy as pie…or should I say as easy as pasta. So I announced to the farm family that we’re going to have spaghetti for supper but that I’m making the noodles myself! Eldest Farm Girl replies by saying “Aww, Mom, can’t we just buy the pasta? Aren’t you just tired of making everything from scratch?” I answered her with a simple “No.” So to the kitchen I went to start on my new adventure. Here it is—my homemade pasta, which ended up looking a little more like snakes (according to Farm Son) because (chuckle, chuckle) I didn’t cut the noodles thin enough. It tasted good, just snake like in appearance. I'll be the first to admit that this is not the best picture possible. I was so thrilled that they actually tasted decent and it was a little late getting supper on the table that I didn't take a lot of time on the pics. Never fear, I'll try again and do better next time. Hopefully, the poor picture will not discourage you from trying it.

How to Make Pasta...(AKA Spaghetti Snakes)
What you’ll need-
1 cup of flour for every two servings
2 eggs per serving
Ready to begin?

Measure flour into a mixing bowl and make a well in the center.
Pour eggs into the well.
Mix until combined. (I found it messy but easier to mix it with my hands)
Turn onto a floured surface and knead. Adding as much flour as needed to keep dough from being sticky.
Then knead, punch, mix, press, push, smash, roll until the dough is smooth and elastic. This may take a few minutes. It did for me.
Cover dough and let it rest (after that long workout) for about 30 minutes.
Roll out dough as thin as you want it (or thinner because it will swell when you cook it).
Cut dough into the pasta shape you desire.
It’s now ready to cook (I read you can freeze it for 3 months. I haven’t tried this yet, but if you have please tell me how it went).
Boil for about 3 minutes. It cooks way faster than store bought so watch it.
Drain water off and you’re ready to eat.
The farm family said it tasted yummy, it just looked like snakes…ha ha because I cut it too thick! We’re still laughing about it. If you want to entertain your family at dinner time, homemade spaghetti snakes is the way to go! It was a tasty entertaining meal.

Have you made your own pasta? I would love to hear about your successes or failures on the topic.