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What We Have to Offer

We offer good times, hard work, long hours and wonderful farm products.  We’re always trying out something new and with a family full of entrepreneurs big and small, there’s always something for sale.
Milk Cow Herd Shares

We are excited to announce we currently have a limited number of milk cow herd shares available for purchase! 


Here’s how it works:


A one time herd share fee of $50.00 (good for six months), and $40.00 per month boarding fee entitles the shareholder to 1 gallon of raw milk each week. Additional gallons of milk or quarts of cream may be purchased subject to availability.


You may provide your own gallon containers or we can swap empty gallon jars (with lids) for full ones each week. We have found that gallon pickle jars work perfectly.


We will assign a pickup date for the milk. Arrangements can be made for milk to be picked up in town for your convenience. 


We have a limited number of shares available. If you are interested, contact us!

Maple Syrup

This is one of our newer ventures here on the farm.  We have many trees marked and are awaiting the proper season to begin harvesting our own maple and black walnut syrups.  We can’t wait to get started on this project!  So be sure to check back for more details and pictures on the process.

Meet the Animals



Teddy is the newest addition to the farm! Farm Girl 7 has been begging for a puppy for quite a while, and she finally got one. Teddy is an Auggie (Miniature Australian Shepherd and Corgi mix). He has been a great match for the family and everyone enjoys him.

Coon & Hans

Coon & Hans

These two pretty kitties are brothers. They are friendly, beautifully marked, and Coon (the grey one) has a bobbed tail!



Thinker is our barn cat. She doesn't really like being around people. She is a shy cat that prefers to stay hidden in the barn, or out in the woods hunting.

Red Head

Red Head

Red Head has been sold from sister to sister and Farm girl 5 is the current owner. Red Head is a wonderful pony. She loves people is very easy to ride and control, and isn't frightful at anything. We nicknamed her "Red Head the Fearless."

Rusty Nail

Rusty Nail

Rusty is Farm girl 3's pony. He is sweet, and friendly. When Farm girl 3 is riding Rusty both love going fast. So often, you see the two cantering around the yard, having a great time.

Almost all of the kids own a few goats. What started out as a smaller herd quickly doubled when all of the babies were born.

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